News & Blogs: Task Group News

Welcoming our new Director

Fri 5th July 2024 - Blog Posts, Communities, Further and Higher Education, LfS Scotland Updates, News, RCE Network, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Sustainable Development Goals, Task Group News, Young people

It’s a time of change here at Learning for Sustainability Scotland.

We’re delighted to welcome our new Director, Dr Beth Christie, as our current Director, Professor Pete Higgins, steps down this summer after eleven years in the role.

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP (Minister for Further & Higher Education and Sciences) launches the Vision 2030+ Report

Wed 31st January 2018 - Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Task Group News

The full transcript from Minister for Further and Higher Education and Sciences Shirley-Anne Somerville (MSP)’s speech, formally launching the Vision 2030+ Report is now available to download. Before introducing Irmeli… [read more]

Vision 2030+, the Concluding Report of the Learning for Sustainability National Implementation Group, has been formally accepted and launched by Ministers.

Thu 9th November 2017 - Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Task Group News

The Report celebrates the progress that has been made by Scottish Schools and reaffirms the importance of LfS as an entitlement for all learners. It also sets out the vision… [read more]

Meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Initial Teacher Education in the UK: Progress and Opportunities

Thu 18th May 2017 - Sustainable Development Goals, Task Group News

In September 2015, 193 countries across the world, including the UK, agreed the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  They set a challenge for every country to tackle poverty, inequality, climate change… [read more]

LfS: Connections with Nature conference 12 May 2017

Mon 1st May 2017 - Task Group News

The 12th of May is getting closer and closer but it’s not too late to book your place if you haven’t already done so. We now have a confirmed Programme… [read more]

Summary of Open Education Practices Workshop

Fri 10th March 2017 - Task Group News

Learning for Sustainability Scotland (LfSS) and Open Education Practices Scotland (OEPS) jointly hosted a workshop around Open Education Practices to continue with the work of the Open Education Task Group. The workshop… [read more]

Blog: How Open Education materials can enhance the practice of learning for sustainability practitioners

Mon 20th February 2017 - Blog Posts, Task Group News

Ronald MacIntyre lives and works in the West Highlands with his family. He has a long term research education and social justice background and balances working for the Open University… [read more]

Blog: Exploring learning for sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals in youth work

Mon 13th February 2017 - Sustainable Development Goals, Task Group News

Emily Beever is the Senior Development Officer (Policy and Research) at YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for youth work in Scotland. Emily co-ordinates YouthLink Scotland’s Members Network. The most recent Members… [read more]

New Report sets out the Vision for Learning for Sustainability in Scotland’s schools to 2030 and beyond

Tue 7th June 2016 - Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Task Group News

Vision 2030 +, the Learning for Sustainability National Implementation Group’s concluding report  has been published,  setting out  a Vision for Learning for Sustainability in Scotland’s schools to 2030 and beyond…. [read more]

Learning for Sustainability Scotland & The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Mon 23rd May 2016 - Task Group News

Much of the work carried out by Learning for Sustainability Scotland is in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Over the next few weeks we will be introducing some… [read more]