SDGs wheel SDGs wheel

About Us

Who Are We?

We are Scotland’s Regional Centre of Expertise on Education (RCE) for Sustainable Development – acknowledged by the United Nations University

We are part of a global network of RCEs throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. This international network allows regions and countries to share and learn from each other, and to establish or strengthen international partnerships.

Our office is hosted by the University of Edinburgh and we are part of the Moray House School of Education & Sport campus. Our members are based all over Scotland. We officially launched in November 2013 and you can read more about our background here

What do we do?

We are a growing network of educators, practitioners and key partners, all working together to embed learning for sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals into all that we do. We work across sectors, across all types of education, across the length and breadth of Scotland -and with frequent collaboration with partners in the rest of the UK and across the world.

We do this through task groups, and local & national events; creating opportunities for members to get together and by sharing information, resources, policy and good practice via social media, our website and monthly bulletin.

Our vision…

…is for Learning for Sustainability to infuse the whole of Scottish society; inspiring, informing and enabling Scotland’s capacity to contribute to sustainability – locally, nationally and globally.

Our mission…

…is to work co-operatively with our members and partners to harness the transformative potential of Learning for Sustainability to support a sustainable world where:

  • People and communities value, respect and are engaged with nature;
  • Societies are thriving, inclusive and equitable;
  • A vibrant economy delivers prosperity, shared opportunities and contributes to social justice and flourishing ecosystems.

Our values…

In line with our vision and mission, we recognise that Learning for Sustainability is about considering and embodying our values as much as the projects we run. As a network, we recognise the benefits of collaborative gain. We believe that by adopting the following principles we will be better able to achieve our Mission and Objectives. 

Collaboration – recognising that we can achieve our aims through working together; acknowledging that we may share a broad vision and ethos but seeing that we may have different perspectives on pathways to sustainability

Respect – for ourselves, for each other, for our members, for the community and for the natural environment of Scotland and beyond

Integrity – in our intentions and behaviour; respecting and being true to our roles and responsibilities whilst declaring conflicts of interest where appropriate

Creativity – in our thinking and action; drawing on the heritage of indigenous and New Scots and of our international friends, engaging with arts and culture, enabling us to envision and innovate for a sustainable future 

Compassion – for ourselves, others and the non-human world, seeking kind interactions with others and attempting to heal hurts across generations, nations and groups.

What is Learning for Sustainability?

Learning for Sustainability is the umbrella term for sustainable development education, outdoor learning, global citizenship and social welfare. As you can see from the word cloud this encompasses a wide range of themes and approaches across all forms of education – formal and non formal.

How do we support Learning for Sustainability?

We work with our members to support and enable the co-facilitation and co-delivery of Learning for Sustainability (LfS) across all aspects of learning, to strengthen the understanding of LfS and to advance the practice of LfS so that it reaches its full potential across Scotland. To enable this, we:

Work Plans & Reports


Our members can:

  • Take part in, or develop, an action group to enhance a specific area of work on Learning for Sustainability
  • Have a say in the future work and direction of Learning for Sustainability Scotland by attending our Annual General Meetings and voting on specific topics or ideas.
  • Network with like minded individuals across sectors and local authority areas at our tailored networking events
  • Attend workshops and seminars (often free to members) relevant to their sector
  • Access the vast range of resources, advice, consultations and policy documents available in the learning for sustainability community quickly and easily.

Steering Group 2025-2027

The work of LfS Scotland is guided by our Steering Group; highly committed individuals who are voted for democratically by our members every two years. Steering Group meetings take place four times a year and are also attended by Convenors of task groups.

View our Steering Group roles and responsibilities here.

The current Steering Group members are:

Fiona Craig

Learning for Sustainability Lead, Scottish Qualifications Authority

Fiona is working with SQA colleagues and partners to enable the values, skills, knowledge and understanding of sustainability to be embedded in all new and revised SQA qualifications. Fiona volunteers with ApparelXChange which is dedicated to reuse, repair and recycling for childrenswear.

Katie Gerardot

English/Support for Learning Teacher and Learning for Sustainability Coordinator, Clifton Hall School

Katie is an English/Support for Learning teacher and Learning for Sustainability Coordinator at Clifton Hall School, whose career has involved working to advance knowledge of and engagement with global issues.  She has a Masters in Inclusive Education with Sustainability and this year is excited to be piloting the FIDA International Sustainability Diploma.

Alyson MacKay (Youth Co-ordinator)

Operations Coordinator, 2050 Climate Group

Alyson joined 2050 Climate Group in 2023; a youth-led, volunteer-driven charity leading social change by empowering young people to take climate actions. She has a sustainable event management degree and a volunteer coordination background. Having previously worked for Teach the Future Scotland, she is very passionate about all levels of climate education. In her spare time, Alyson volunteers with different organisations and campaigns related to social justice.

Carolyn McFarlane

Outdoor and Nature Based Learning Lead for Thrive Outdoors, Inspiring Scotland

Carolyn’s work supports projects developing outdoor learning and play for families, children and educators.  She fervently believes in the power of outdoor learning as a powerful tool to unlock real-world learning for sustainability. The natural world, local heritage and current community issues really are the context for interdisciplinary learning for a better world.

Louise Mitchell

Lecturer in Environmental Management, SRUC

Louise is a Lecturer at SRUC, teaching across the concept of sustainability, through exploring human relationships with landscapes, our planning system, and mechanisms for businesses to drive improvement. Within research she uses mixed methods focusing on health geography, Social Return on Investment (SROI) and reducing inequalities.

Rebecca Petford

Programme Manager, Greener Kirkcaldy

Rebecca’s career so far has involved advancing knowledge of and engagement with sustainability at different scales. She is now employed by Greener Kirkcaldy; a community-led charity working locally to bring people together, take positive action on the climate emergency, and support people through fuel poverty and food insecurity. In her spare time she leads an Eco-Friendly Periods project with Plastic Free Fife.

Sara Smith

Learning and Development Coordinator, Royal Highland Education Trust

Sara coordinates sustainable food and farming teacher training across Scotland and develops learning resources. She also sits on the British Society of Soil Science Education Committee and is a Wildlife Watch leader. Her background is in environmental education and ecology.

Sam Thomson

Head of Sector for Engineering Technologies, West College Scotland

Sam has been in his current role since March 2024, and is also a Senior Verifier for Building Services Engineering at SQA. He have integrated sustainable technologies into national competence-based vocational qualifications and is hoping to develop this further within the STEM components in his Sector; particularly in Engineering delivery models and disciplines. 

Rehema White

Academic, University of St Andrews


Learning for Sustainability Scotland is run by a very small team who believe whole-heartedly in the power of Learning for Sustainability as a vehicle for a more sustainable world. View our Staff roles and responsibilities here.

Beth Christie

Director, Learning for Sustainability Scotland

Beth is a Senior Lecturer in Education in the Outdoor and Environmental Education Section at the Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, and is Programme Director for the MSc Learning for Sustainability. She has worked with Learning for Sustainability Scotland for many years; most recently as Academic Lead for ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’ and ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future: Live at COP’: the two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that we have developed in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and The British Council.

Betsy King

RCE Europe Advisor and Former Development Manager

Betsy joined LfS Scotland as Development Manager in 2013 and retired from the role in 2024. She has a long-standing commitment to LfS; contributing to policy development and practice in Scotland, UK and internationally.  Originally a Geography teacher, she has worked for the Peak National Park, the University of Papua New Guinea and environmental sustainability NGOs in the UK, most recently for WWF Scotland.

Kirsten Leask

Project Manager

Kirsten joined LfS Scotland as a member of the Steering Group in 2013 and as Project Manager in 2019: initially managing the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme in partnership with IDEAS and the Scotland Malawi Partnership on behalf of the British Council and the FCDO. Originally a secondary teacher, she has worked on sustainability-related learning initiatives and for various NGOs for the past 20 years.

Jenny Haggarty

Administration and Finance Officer