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Our Work

Action Groups

As a member organisation, it’s our role to bring people together to work on key areas of interest. Together, we form action groups which encompass a wide range of topics and outcomes.

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Professional Learning

We are well-known for providing insightful and inspiring professional learning opportunities for a range of audiences and sectors.

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Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are at the centre of everything we do - as is the case with much of the work of our members. We work with our members and partners to strengthen the SDGs in Scotland and beyond.

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Events, Policy Advice, Consultations

We provide regular seminars and events for audiences from across a wide range of sectors, and you can view all of these in our 'Events' section. We are also often asked to provide a response to policy or consultations on behalf of our members.

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Some Of Our Upcoming Events

Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Connect session #20



Thu 26th Sep 2024, 4:00PM - 5:15PM

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Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Connect session #21



Thu 14th Nov 2024, 4:00PM - 5:15PM

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Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Connect session #22



Thu 5th Dec 2024, 4:00PM - 5:15PM

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Latest News

Welcoming our new Director

It’s a time of change here at Learning for Sustainability Scotland. We’re delighted to welcome our new Director, Dr Beth Christie, as our current Director,…

LfS Connect: introducing the Learning for Sustainability Book Club!

The LfS Connect session on 20th June 2024 offered participants an opportunity to hear more about, discuss, and share their favourite LfS-related reading and resources…

Learning for a better world – an introduction to Learning for Sustainability in Youth Work

On 19 June, we, and our partners at YouthLink Scotland, welcomed participants and guest speakers from across Scotland to discuss and share more about Learning…

Learning for Sustainability: Addressing the climate/nature emergency through Scottish schools

The following article was published on page 16 of the Spring 2024 edition of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's magazine. In it, Professor Pete Higgins…

LfS Connect: Coaching and mentoring for LfS

Our LfS Connect session on 30th May 2024 offered participants an opportunity to hear more about and discuss ‘Coaching and Mentoring for LfS’.

Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network: Sustainability competencies, skills, and graduate attributes

The Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network, co-hosted by Learning for Sustainability Scotland and EAUC Scotland, met on 02 May to discuss how to…