Welcoming our new Director
It’s a time of change here at Learning for Sustainability Scotland.
We’re delighted to welcome our new Director, Dr Beth Christie, as our current Director, Professor Pete Higgins, steps down this summer after eleven years in the role.
Beth is a Senior Lecturer in Education in the Outdoor and Environmental Education Section at the Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh and is Programme Director for the MSc Learning for Sustainability.
She has worked with Learning for Sustainability Scotland for many years; most recently as Academic Lead for ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’ and ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future: Live at COP’: the two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that we have developed in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and The British Council.

I’m delighted to continue to work with everyone at Learning for Sustainability Scotland and to support the team and members as they move into this new phase. It is a real privilege to be part of this inspiring community and help LfS Scotland to flourish”, says Beth.
You can read more about Beth and her work here.

Of course, welcoming Beth means that we are also saying ‘goodbye’ to our current Director – Professor Pete Higgins.
Pete was part of the team that established Learning for Sustainability Scotland as Scotland’s UN University-recognised Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development back in 2012-2013.
He has also played a pivotal role with regard to much of the current Learning for Sustainability policy landscape in Scotland: initially as Chair of the ‘One Planet Schools’ working group, which developed the concept and produced the 2012 One Planet Schools report that led to the recognition and implementation of ‘Learning for Sustainability’ as an entitlement for all learners and the responsibility of all educators in Scotland.
He then co-Chaired the national Learning for Sustainability Implementation Group, which oversaw the next phase of the integration of LfS into Scottish education, as evidenced in the 2016 ‘Vision 2030+’ report. Since then, Pete has continued to influence and advise on national LfS policy; most recently representing LfS Scotland as part of the national leadership team for the 2023 ‘Target 2030: a movement for people, planet and prosperity’ LfS Action Plan.
“It has been a privilege to work with all the LfS Scotland staff, the Steering Group, and our wider community, as we have worked to embed LfS across all educational sectors and learning contexts. Whilst I will continue to work with the staff team, I am delighted to hand over the Director role to my excellent colleague Dr Beth Christie. I have absolute confidence that she will take LfS Scotland from strength to strength,” says Pete.
You can read more about Pete and his work here.
Dr Rehema White, our Chair, said “Beth will bring energy and critical insights and we are looking forward to new possibilities here at Learning for Sustainability Scotland. But we are very sad to see Pete stepping down; he has been a major player in the global learning for sustainability journey and his commitment, knowledge and sense of humour have been essential to the success of Learning for Sustainability Scotland.”
Thank you, Pete.
We’re looking forward to having you continue to be part of the Learning for Sustainability Scotland family… and a very warm welcome to Beth!