News & Blogs: Task Group News

Learning for Sustainability Scotland & The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Mon 23rd May 2016 - Task Group News

Much of the work carried out by Learning for Sustainability Scotland is in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Over the next few weeks we will be introducing some… [read more]

What are the Learning for Sustainability Task Groups?

Mon 23rd May 2016 - Task Group News

Abi Cornwall, Development Officer at Learning for Sustainability Scotland, gives an insight to the work of LfS Scotland and talks about how the task groups can become an incubator for… [read more]

Connections with Nature Task Group seeks new members

Mon 14th March 2016 - News, Task Group News

As part of Learning for Sustainability Scotland’s work, we have focussed attention on developing some key areas of interest through a series of task groups. The Connection to Nature task… [read more]

LfS Scotland Action Learning Programme begins

Thu 26th September 2013 - Task Group News

LfS Scotland’s first collaborative project got underway in September. The Communities with a Common Cause Action Learning Programme (ALP), is a partnership between Common Cause Scotland, TCV and Learning for… [read more]