Connections with Nature Task Group seeks new members
As part of Learning for Sustainability Scotland’s work, we have focussed attention on developing some key areas of interest through a series of task groups.
The Connection to Nature task group is a relatively new group and is at a pivotal point where we are seeking to explore and expand on recent research into nature connectedness in children and young people, taking forward new research opportunities to measure the impact of connections to nature.
Whilst the health and well-being benefits of being outdoors is increasingly documented, there is much still to do on measuring and promoting the wider value of connection and the relationship with sustainability.
We would like to invite interested individuals to join this task group to take forward this exciting new area of our work. We would be most interested to hear from anyone who:
- Works with children / young people or has an interest in this area of work especially in outdoor learning (formal or informal)
- Has undertaken or would like to undertake research on outdoor learning / connection to nature experiences
- Has other related research interests such as values and behaviour change
- Works in the area of health and well-being
- Works in education with an interest in any of the above
We meet around four times a year in Edinburgh, with meetings being around 2 hours long. We plan to hold the next meeting in April 2016.
If you would like to join the task group, or would like further information please contact Judy Paul, task group convenor, for more details.