News & Blogs: #national policy

LfS and the future of learning in Scotland’s land-based and aquaculture sectors

Sun 25th September 2022 -

What is this event about? Join Learning for Sustainability Scotland and the Scottish Government for an opportunity to share your views and experiences with the Scottish Government’s Commission for the Land-Based… [read more]

Learning for Sustainability and ‘Putting Young People at the Centre’

Sun 25th September 2022 -

This is a time of change for Scotland’s education system. The Scottish Government and COSLA are launching the ‘most inclusive ever discussion on education in Scotland, with learners playing a… [read more]

Join Scotland’s National Discussion on Education

Sun 25th September 2022 - Communities, Further and Higher Education, LfS Scotland Updates, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Uncategorised

The Scottish Government is inviting everyone who has an interest in the future of Scotland’s education system to join the National Discussion on Education, The Discussion was launched on September… [read more]