News & Blogs: #national policy

Youth Work and Scotland’s refreshed Learning for Sustainability Action Plan – a roundtable

Thu 14th September 2023 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, LfS Scotland Updates, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Young people

On 05 September, YouthLink Scotland and Learning for Sustainability Scotland held a ’round table’ event for key individuals in youth sector network organisations in Scotland to discuss and examine Scotland’s refreshed national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan.

Youth Work and Scotland’s refreshed Learning for Sustainability Action Plan

Wed 26th July 2023 -

Join YouthLink Scotland and Learning for Sustainability Scotland as we discuss and examine the new national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan and the opportunities it offers for the youthwork sector.

Welcoming the new national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan

Mon 26th June 2023 - Blog Posts, Communities, Further and Higher Education, Initial Teacher Education, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Sustainable Development Goals, Young people

We’re delighted to welcome Scotland’s refreshed national Learning for Sustainability (LfS) Action Plan: ‘Target 2030: a movement for people, planet and prosperity, which was launched on 23rd June at Grove Academy in Dundee by Jenny Gilruth MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

Monitoring and evaluating education for sustainable development in Higher Education workshop (Senior Managers)

Tue 30th May 2023 -

Measuring, monitoring and evaluating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an important task. Join this interactive workshop to learn more about monitoring and evaluating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in your own higher education institution.

Learning for Sustainability and the National Outcomes for Scotland

Wed 24th May 2023 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, Further and Higher Education, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Sustainable Development Goals, Young people

On Tuesday, 23 May, in collaboration with the Scottish Government, we held an online opportunity for people to hear more about and be part of the discussion on the blueprint for Scotland – Scotland’s National Performance Framework

Learning for Sustainability and the National Outcomes for Scotland

Tue 25th April 2023 -

What kind of Scotland do you want to see? Have your say on the blueprint for Scotland – the National Performance Framework.

Teacher education for the green transition and sustainable development: a pan-European priority

Tue 28th March 2023 - Blog Posts, Initial Teacher Education, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Schools and early learning & childcare settings

Teacher professional learning has been identified as one of the most significant catalysts for bringing innovation and sustainability into our education systems. The EU has formally called for Learning for Sustainability to become a key priority area in education policies and programmes and for support to be given to educators through training and professional development. A new report shares examples of good practice from across Europe – including Scotland.

The role of education in a climate emergency: four key asks from Teach the Future Scotland

Mon 27th March 2023 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, Further and Higher Education, Initial Teacher Education, LfS Scotland Updates, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Young people

Taking action on climate change is one of the major challenges of our times, and education has a major role to play. Teach the Future has four key asks for policy makers and presented them at a Scottish Parliamentary reception on 22 March.

Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Drop-In #10: celebrating teaching and learning approaches to LfS ahead of the launch of the refreshed national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan

Tue 14th February 2023 -

Join us and the General Teaching Council for Scotland at our monthly drop-in sessions to connect with other practitioners and contributors to share, celebrate and discuss more about Learning for Sustainability and what it means for you, your practice, your setting and your wider learning community.

Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Drop-In #8: A focus on LfS and the 2023 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan

Tue 14th February 2023 -

Join us and the General Teaching Council for Scotland at our monthly drop-in sessions to connect with other practitioners and contributors to share, celebrate and discuss more about Learning for Sustainability and what it means for you, your practice, your setting and your wider learning community.