It’s back! Join a worldwide learning community with ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’
We’re delighted to announce the return of ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’; our highly successful online learning opportunity, which has, to date, attracted over 17,000 learners from nearly 160 countries. Starts 07 October.

It’s back! Join a worldwide learning community with ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’
We’re delighted to announce the return of ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’; our highly successful FREE online learning opportunity, which has, to date, attracted over 17,000 learners from nearly 160 countries. Starts Monday 07 October.

Telling your Story: monitoring and evaluating the impact of your Learning for Sustainability activities
How can we evidence the impact of our Learning for Sustainability activity in an effective and engaging way? Join us and colleagues from the Royal Highland Education Trust and the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network to find out more.

It’s back! Join a worldwide learning community with ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’
We’re delighted to announce the return of ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’; our highly successful FREE online learning opportunity, which has, to date, attracted over 17,000 learners from nearly 160 countries. Starts 11 March.
Learning for Sustainability Scotland praised as ‘key champion’ by Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills
Jenny Gilruth MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, has hailed the contribution of Learning for Sustainability Scotland in its pan-sectoral approach to advancing the skills, knowledge, and values needed for a more sustainable and equitable world. ‘Learning for Sustainability’ as this kind of learning is known in Scotland, is now more prominent than ever across Scottish education.
Youth Work and Scotland’s refreshed Learning for Sustainability Action Plan – a roundtable
On 05 September, YouthLink Scotland and Learning for Sustainability Scotland held a ’round table’ event for key individuals in youth sector network organisations in Scotland to discuss and examine Scotland’s refreshed national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan.
‘Learning in a changing climate’: a Peruvian-Scottish exchange
What are the key competencies that students and educators need to engage constructively and responsibly with today’s world, and how can they be assessed?
On Thursday 25th May, we were delighted to welcome partners from University of St Andrews, PRISMA and SAGES – as well as delegates from across a wide range of organisations – to an in-person, bi-lingual intercultural exchange workshop and networking lunch with educators from Peru and Scotland.
Sustainability, employability and youthwork: developing skills for a sustainable and just future
On 21st February, YouthLink Scotland and Learning for Sustainability Scotland were delighted to welcome participants to ‘Sustainability, Employability and Youthwork: developing skills for a sustainable and just future’ – our first webinar for 2023.
Collaboration to scale up community action on sustainability
Click here to book your place Many public sector bodies, including local authorities, have a mandate to support sustainability action and to facilitate community engagement in their regions. At the… [read more]