News & Blogs: Courses & Events Summaries

Collaboration to scale up community action on sustainability

Tue 23rd August 2022 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, Sustainable Development Goals

Many public sector bodies, including local authorities, have a mandate to support sustainability action and to facilitate community engagement in their regions. At the same time, many community-led initiatives and… [read more]

Planting the seeds: Whole-institution approaches to implementing education for sustainable development

Wed 1st June 2022 - Courses & Events Summaries, LfS Scotland Updates, News

Following COP26, there has been increased momentum around education for sustainable development (ESD) in universities and colleges across the UK. On 26 April 2022, our EAUC Scotland/ Learning for Sustainability… [read more]

Co-creating a fair and green future with young people: Learning for Sustainability in action

Fri 20th May 2022 - Courses & Events Summaries, LfS Scotland Updates, News, Schools and early learning & childcare settings

COP 26 demonstrated that young people are vocal and active: demanding urgent and decisive change and holding leaders accountable – particularly in addressing the climate crisis. Teachers, community and youth… [read more]

The Future they Want: supporting young people to take action for a more sustainable world

Wed 30th June 2021 - Courses & Events Summaries, News

On 15 June 2021 LfS Scotland and YouthLink Scotland  hosted the third in a series of joint webinars, joined by teachers and youth work practitioners from across Scotland . We explored… [read more]

Storytelling, Drama & Creativity Outdoors – an interactive webinar with EcoDrama

Sun 28th March 2021 - Courses & Events Summaries

A group of more than 50 teachers, NGOs and others interested to explore, promote and develop the role of Creativity in Learning for Sustainability joined our inspiring interactive webinar with… [read more]

How to learn for a Better Future through School – Youth Work Partnerships

Tue 2nd March 2021 - Courses & Events Summaries

Learning for Sustainability is about working together to create a flourishing, equitable and sustainable world. It is an entitlement for all young people in Scottish Education. On 25th February 2021 LfS Scotland and YouthLink… [read more]

Report from the LfS Scotland Jan – Dec 2020 AGM

Thu 28th January 2021 - Courses & Events Summaries, LfS Scotland Updates

Our 2020 Annual General Meeting and Networking event was held online for the first time on 12th January 2021. More than 150 members gathered to explore the theme Building Forward Better:… [read more]

EAUC Scotland and LFS Scotland submit a joint response to QAA ESD Guidance consultation

Wed 27th January 2021 - Courses & Events Summaries, News, Policy Advice and Responses

A joint response has been submitted to the QAA, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and Advance HE consultation on their major review of the 2014 Education for Sustainable Development… [read more]

Seizing the Moment: Learning for Sustainability and Youth Work

Sat 10th October 2020 - Courses & Events Summaries, News

The impact of Covid19 on young people continues to be immense, and the youth work sector has a vital role to play in supporting their educational, social and emotional recovery. On 6th October… [read more]

‘Whose Voice is it Anyway?’ Active participation for a better world.

Tue 30th June 2020 - Courses & Events Summaries

Our world stands at a crossroads: ecologically, socially, culturally and politically. Post-COVID-19, we have a chance to shape a ‘new normal’: one that puts people and planet on a par… [read more]