Co-creating a fair and green future with young people: Learning for Sustainability in action
COP 26 demonstrated that young people are vocal and active: demanding urgent and decisive change and holding leaders accountable – particularly in addressing the climate crisis.
Teachers, community and youth work practitioners from across Scotland joined our LfS Scotland/YouthLink Scotland webinar on 12 May 2022; which explored how to support young people to become active change agents for the future they want to see.
Learning for Sustainability is about working together to create a flourishing, equitable and sustainable world. It is an entitlement for all young people in Scottish Education and Lucia Ramon Mateo, Policy Manager in the Learning Directorate, Scottish Government, introduced the collaborative approach currently underway to strengthen Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability Action Plan. This has a particular focus on hearing from children, young people and educators.
Inspirational approaches to working with young people in the co-creation of projects and programmes were shared by Sophia Georgescu from Children’s Parliament; Euan Platt and Emma Bryden from Young Scot; and Kirstin Thomson from North Lanarkshire Council.
These were an important starting point for considering what effective co-creation looks like and how to give young people more opportunities to engage in the co-creation of projects and programmes.
Click on the links below to view the slides from the presentations and watch the webinar recording.
- Webinar recording
- Learning for Sustainability in Scotland: Taking a collaborative approach to strengthening our Action Plan post COP26 Lucia Ramon Mateo, Curriculum Development, Scottish Government
- Children’s Parliament Climate Changemakers Sophia Georgescu, Children’s Parliament
- Co-creating Scotland’s Young People’s Forest Euan Platt and Emma Bryden, Young Scot
- Scottish Youth Climate Programme, Climate Ambassadors Kirstin Thompson, North Lanarkshire Council