How to learn for a Better Future through School – Youth Work Partnerships
Learning for Sustainability is about working together to create a flourishing, equitable and sustainable world. It is an entitlement for all young people in Scottish Education. On 25th February 2021 LfS Scotland and YouthLink Scotland hosted the second in a series of webinars, joined by more than 70 teachers and youth work practitioners from across Scotland . Participants discussed how Schools and the Youth Work sector can work effectively in partnership, supporting young people to meet future challenges and become active change agents for a better world.
Hosted by Betsy King, LfS Scotland and Jenni Snell YouthLink Scotland, a panel including Julie Beckett, Education Scotland; Kate Allen Scotdec and Lesley Kettles, St Modan’s High School and Stirling Council, inspired a conversation about the important place of Learning for Sustainability in schools and what youth work brings to this. Inspiring insights and approaches were shared by Pauline Wilson, FARE Scotland and St Mungo’s Primary, David Exeter The Outward Bound Trust, Julia Duncan TCV and Lesley Kettles, St Modan’s High School.
Click on the links below to take a look at the presentations, the discussion notes and view the webinar recording.
Webinar recording
Presentation slides
Group Discussion notes