‘Telling your Story’: monitoring and evaluating the impact of your Learning for Sustainability activities
How can we evidence the impact of our Learning for Sustainability activity in an effective and engaging way?
We were delighted to welcome participants to our online session on 09 May, which was delivered in partnership with colleagues from the Royal Highland Education Trust and the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network.
During the session, we:
- Discussed how we can develop effective approaches to monitoring and evaluating the impact of LfS activities through the use of storytelling
- Shared experiences/examples
- Examined successes and challenges
- Shared resources.

- Click here to view the input from RHET
- Click here to view the input from the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network.
We would like to warmly thank our two partner organisations for their input to a very interesting and useful event. Click on these hyperlinks to view additional events that they will be running in the near future: