‘Learning for Sustainability and the National Improvement Framework’ – our latest ‘Connect’ session with GTC Scotland
They say that ‘two heads are better than one’…and the power of collaboration is certainly core to the sharing of ideas, inspiration and good practice in education.
Our Learning for Sustainability ‘Connect’ sessions have been bringing educators and guest speakers together to network and share since March 2022, and in our latest session, we explored the place of Learning for Sustainability as a core element of the 2023 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan .
“All learners have an entitlement to Learning for Sustainability (LfS): a cross-curricular approach that weaves together distinct but closely-related themes of sustainable development education, climate education, global citizenship, children’s rights and outdoor learning.
Providing every learner with their entitlement to LfS is key to ensure they gain the knowledge, skills, values and attributes needed for life in the 21st Century; an understanding of their environment, culture and heritage; their role in the local, national and global community; the importance of connection and care to the natural world; and the significance of their choices, now and in the future, to live in a sustainable way.”
2023 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan, Scottish Government1. Setting the scene: LfS as a core element of the National Improvement Framework
Betsy King, Development Manager here at Learning for Sustainability Scotland, set the scene; introducing the place of LfS in the NIF and sharing a reminder of the national commitment to delivering the learner ‘entitlement’ to Learning for Sustainability. Click here to watch her input.
2. LfS: a key cross-cutting theme across the Professional Standards
We then heard from Jacqueline Morley and Louise Campbell, Education Advisors at GTC Scotland, who shared more about the place of LfS as a key, cross-cutting theme across the Professional Standards. Click here to watch their input.
3. LfS: a ‘golden thread’ across School Improvement Planning
Our final speaker was David Maxwell, Education Officer with Dumfries & Galloway Council, who shared more about the way in which LfS is viewed as a ‘golden thread’ across the authority’s School Improvement Planning ethos. Click here to watch his input.
4. Group discussion: planning for LfS
Finally, we invited participants to engage in a discussion around three questions, namely:
- 1. What are the key aspects to consider when planning for LfS in your context?
- 2. What support will you need to engage with planning for LfS in your context?
- 3. Do you have any questions for any of our presenters?
Click here to watch the discussion.
Have your say on the content of future Drop-Ins.
As always, our warmest thanks goes to all of our contributors to this session and we warmly invite everyone to make use of the free resources and sharing opportunities available on the GTC Scotland Learning for Sustainability Hub.
Our next Drop-In will be on Thursday 27th April from 16:00 – 17:00 and will have a focus on ‘Learning for Sustainability and the interim outcomes of the National Discussion on Education’. Click here to reserve your free place.