LfS Implementation Group starts work.
A LfS Implementation Group, tasked with driving forward the 31 recommendations of the Learning for Sustainability Report (2012) on embedding LfS in school education, has been established and began work on 25th Feb 2014. The group is convened by the Scottish Government, with secretariat support from LfSS, and will report progress to Scottish Ministers.
Pages have been set up on the Scottish Government website to make information about the group and its activities available to all. Click here to visit these pages.
One of the first priorities of the group is to establish processes for facilitating partnership working with the LfS community. A key mechanisms to facilitate this partnership working will be a series of Conversation Days which will provide an open forum for individuals, partner organisations and networks to contribute to and collaboratively develop the work of the Implementation Group. The first Conversation Days are expected to be held in May and June. Further information will be sent out as soon as dates and venues are finalised.
LfSS will send out regular updates on the work of the Implementation Group and opportunities for the LfS community to get involved in this work. If you have any colleagues who would also like to receive information about this, please encourage them to join as a member.