Meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Initial Teacher Education in the UK: Progress and Opportunities
In September 2015, 193 countries across the world, including the UK, agreed the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. They set a challenge for every country to tackle poverty, inequality, climate change and sustainable development with Education, and learning as a central component. SDG 4 is specifically about education through all aspects of life, and target 4.7 relates to teacher education.
In this context the purpose of the seminar held on March 10th 2017 , organised by Learning for Sustainability Scotland, the Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESNet) and the General Teaching Council for Scotland was for key teacher educators in UK ITE institutions to:
- Share progress on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship( ESD/GC) in ITE in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England
- Connect with ITE practitioners across UK and identify synergies
- Identify opportunities for possible future advocacy and research collaboration
A report of the seminar can be found by clicking here.
Presentations from the seminar are available here:
The Global and Local Context for ESD & GC in ITE: Professor Peter Higgins, University of Edinburgh
ESD/GC in the UK Regions: Findings of TEESNet UK Research: Andrea Bullivant, Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network
UNESCO 2017: Teacher education, ESD and GC: Dr Doug Bourn, Development Education Research Centre, UCL