News & Blogs: youngpeople

Learning for Sustainability Scotland praised as ‘key champion’ by Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

Fri 12th January 2024 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, Further and Higher Education, Initial Teacher Education, LfS Scotland Updates, News, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Sustainable Development Goals, Young people

Jenny Gilruth MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, has hailed the contribution of Learning for Sustainability Scotland in its pan-sectoral approach to advancing the skills, knowledge, and values needed for a more sustainable and equitable world.  ‘Learning for Sustainability’ as this kind of learning is known in Scotland, is now more prominent than ever across Scottish education.

School students debate the climate crisis at COP28 simulation event

Mon 20th November 2023 - Blog Posts, Courses & Events Summaries, News, Schools and early learning & childcare settings, Young people

On 16 November, Learning for Sustainability Scotland, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, welcomed pupils from Scottish and Egyptian secondary schools to take part in the British Council’s COP28 Climate Simulation Negotiation.

Youth Work and Scotland’s refreshed Learning for Sustainability Action Plan – preparing for the ‘Call to Action’

Mon 2nd October 2023 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, News, Policy Advice and Responses, Young people

We held an event with YouthLink Scotland, Education Scotland and Stirling Council on 28th September, to discuss and examine Scotland’s refreshed national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan ahead of its forthcoming ‘Call to Action’