News & Blogs

Learning for a better world – an introduction to Learning for Sustainability in Youth Work

Thu 20th June 2024 - Blog Posts, Communities, Courses & Events Summaries, Young people

On 19 June, we, and our partners at YouthLink Scotland, welcomed participants and guest speakers from across Scotland to discuss and share more about Learning for Sustainability in the youth work sector.

Participants were invited to:

  • Explore what is meant by ‘Learning for Sustainability
  • Examine the aspirations of Scotland’s national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan
  • Hear more about the benefits and opportunities of Learning for Sustainability for young people and practitioners in non-formal education
  • Be inspired by examples of good practice
  • Discuss future support needs for youth workers engaging with Learning for Sustainability.

Click here to view the slides from the session; which contain hyperlinks to further information, resources, and opportunities.