Welcoming the Call to Action: realising the ambition of Scotland’s national Learning for Sustainability Action Plan
It’s official – Scotland’s national Learning for Sustainability Call to Action has been launched and we’re delighted to be playing our part in it here at Learning for Sustainability Scotland.
Launched today at Edinburgh’s Carrick Knowe Primary School, the Call has gone out to educators, learners, policy-makers, parents/carers, and communities across the country to help to make Learning for Sustainability a reality for all.
The ambitious goal is to build a movement for change to realise the ambition of Scotland’s refreshed Learning for Sustainability Action Plan. The Action Plan has been strengthened in response to the voices of children and young people who have called for Learning for Sustainability to be a greater part of their daily learning experience.

There are two key aims:
- Every 3-18 learning setting to be sustainable by 2030: across the four areas of Culture, Curriculum, Campus and Community.
- Learning for Sustainability to be part of everyday learning for all learners aged 3-18.
Want to be part of this movement for change?