Exploring relevance and approaches in Learning for Sustainability in times of crisis and calm
We are living in extraordinary times.
On 3rd June 2020, more than 70 LfS Scotland members from across the country – and several international guests – gathered online to explore the relevance of Learning for Sustainability in creating a flourishing, equitable and sustainable world during and beyond the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The event provided an opportunity to:
- critically reflect on the current and future need for Learning for Sustainability (LfS) approaches
- explore the relevance and contribution of LfS in the current Covid 19 context – and in future periods of crisis and calm
- share and celebrate the approaches of LfS practitioners from around Scotland who have found new ways of working to engage their learners and the communities around them
- inspire new thinking and approaches for the future
Learning for Sustainability approaches were shared by Rehema White, University of St Andrews and Chair of Learning for Sustainability Scotland; Toby Clark, John Muir Trust; Roxana Romero, Leith Community Crops in Pots; Anya Hart Dyke, Author and Karen Carter, Lockerbie Primary School.
Click on the links below to take a look at the presentations, notes of participant discussions, the resources shared and view the webinar recording.
Webinar recording (awaiting upload)