TEESNET 11th Annual Conference welcomes UNESCO’s lead on Education for Sustainable Development, Alexander Leicht
Getting to the Heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
UNESCO’s Alexander Leicht will be joined by educator, teacher and NGO delegates as well as fellow speakers Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser for Oxfam and Manju Patel Nair, Education Consultant & Trainer from HEC Global Learning Centre, to explore the conference theme: ‘Getting to the Heart of the UN Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs).
The conference will focus on the SDG’s and the role of teacher education in prompting critical engagement and action. The flyer is attached to this email.
View the TEESNet 2018 flyer for information on all speakers and workshops
How the SDGs can drive positive change
Particular focuses for this year’s conference include the potential for the SDGs to be a genuine driver of progressive political and social change around the world and using the SDGs as a lens for action at local level, engaging young people, schools and their communities. Please see the attached flyer for full information.
There is a special first-come-first-served discount for students & student teachers. Book now to receive your greatly reduced fee of £30 for the full day.
TEESNet is a teacher education network which has the aim of working with academics, educators and student teachers to embed global learning, sustainable development and global citizenship into education.
Click on the link to book your place.
Questions can be sent to karen@liverpoolworldcentre.org We’d love to meet some of you and support the sharing of experience and development of knowledge in this area of work.
Planning to go to this conference? We really enjoy hearing about our members’ experiences of attending events hosted by the learning for sustainability community – and our network does too! If you’d like to write a blog post about your experiences at this event, we’d love to feature it. For all blog story ideas, please get in touch.