All the news from our January AGM & Networking Day (with links to reports)
The Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 18 January 2018 at the University of Edinburgh, Moray House School of Education.
This year’s theme was Learning for the Future – Whose Voice Counts? The workshops contributed to the UK Stakeholders Action Plan for the SDGs and focused on how to engage young people in Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018 (#YOYP2018). Journalist Joyce McMillan gave an inspiring talk on hope, collective action and the human condition. She spoke of how telling positive narratives can be an antidote to false news, materialism and crisis stories. Over sixty members came to join in the discussion and to get involved in the insightful workshops.
LfS and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Contributing to the Education component of the UKSSD Stakeholder led Action Plan facilitated by May East, (UNITAR Fellow) and Betsy King, (LfS Scotland). Workshop 2: Engaging Young People in Sustainability: Rebecca Petford (EAUC Scotland) and Marie Duguid (Young Scot).
We took the opportunity to officially thank the hardworking members of the Steering Group who served till January 2018 and in particular, to those who stepped down this year for professional and personal reasons – Rosa Murray, Kerr McConnell, Susan Carleton and Lorna Matthews. Their expertise and commitment to LfS Scotland was much appreciated and we wished them well in their other work and personal pursuits.
We also had great pleasure in announcing the new Steering Group for the term January 2018- 2020:
Ullrich Kockel, Heriot-Watt University
Laura Curtis-Moss, RSPB Scotland
Kate Campbell, Sustrans Scotland
Kirsten Leask, Soil Association Scotland
Rebecca Petford, EAUC Scotland
Andy Samuel, Abertay University
Rehema White, University of St Andrews
Ron McKay, Edinburgh College
Read all about the Steering Group Nominees 2017 – 2019.
At our AGM we like to ensure attendees have the chance to hear and get involved in interesting – and practical – discussions. As you can see, this year was no exception. As well as listening to talks and being involved in workshops, participants were able to provide feedback and suggestions on LfS Scotland priorities for 2018 and there was much discussion around developing a new task group on Early Years and a request for an emphasis on informal networking opportunities. In fact, there was a resounding cheer when someone suggested a ceilidh, so watch this space!
A full breakdown of priorities for our members is available in the links below.
If you weren’t able to come along on the day – or if you’d like a refresher, please click on the links below for more details. And, if you’d like to find out more about the work of LfS Scotland, by participating in one of the collaborative working groups (task groups) or by suggesting something you’d like to get involved in then get in touch with Abi Cornwall, Development Officer.
Reports, Presentations & Notes.
Click on the links below to download any of the notes and reports you’d like from the day. If you’d like to use any of them for your own work, please contact us.
LfS Scotland Official Report Dec 2016 – Dec 2017
AGM Jan 2018 Learning for a better Future presentation
LfS Scotland member priorities for 2018