Annual General Meeting & Networking event 2015
The Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 8 December at the University of Edinburgh, Moray House School of Education. Over fifty members came to discuss the future work of Learning for Sustainability Scotland, how to get involved in task groups and to shape how LfS Scotland responds to global agendas.
This year also marked the end of the first two year term for our Steering Group, so our members approved the new group. Exciting times.
We always look for ways for our attending members to get involved in practical, relevant workshops and this year we hosted two interactive workshops with May East from Cifal, Julie Wilson from KSB Scotland and George Tarvit from SSN hosted a joint session entitled: The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Climate Change Conference COP 21: Implications for Learning for Sustainability in Scotland and Shona Bruce from The Scottish Government hosted a workshop looking into Contributing to Scottish Government’s 2030 Creating a Fairer Scotland consultation.
If you weren’t able to come along on the day – or if you’d like a refresher, please click on the links below for more details. And, if you’d like to find out more about the work of LfS Scotland, by participating in one of the collaborative working groups (task groups) or by suggesting something you’d like to get involved in then please do get in touch.
Executive summary Mapping project