SDGs wheel SDGs wheel


LfS Connecting Classrooms – fully online course

From the comfort of your own home, at a time and location that suits you, you can now take part in the LfS Connecting Classrooms course in a way that fits around your other commitments. Join the hundreds of teachers in Scotland who have participated in the Learning for Sustainability: Connecting Classrooms course and are... [read more]


Annual Learning for Sustainability Conference

Open to all teachers & practitioners, across all forms of education, this is the ideal conference to learn new skills, develop ideas, network with like minded people and hear about inspiring case studies and projects and enhance your practice and understanding of Learning for Sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As always, this event... [read more]


Member Hosted Event: Good Food Nation Gathering

Members: RSPB Scotland with The Power of Food Festival In collaboration with The Power of Food Festival, RSPB Scotland’s Giving Nature a Home team would like to invite you to an afternoon full of exciting discussions and workshops around wildlife, food production and sustainability. This year, the Scottish government will be consulting on a new... [read more]


Member Hosted Event: Green Team Well Being in Nature CPD

The Green Team is a voluntary organisation providing outdoor experiences for young people, supporting them to learn about and connect with nature. Green Team training offers bountiful opportunities to gain new skills and ideas for delivering outdoor learning, learning for sustainability, environmental activities or woodland skills. For more information about the courses featured below, click on the... [read more]

Member Hosted Event: The Green Team – Using Stories & Literacy Outdoors CPD

The Green Team is a voluntary organisation providing outdoor experiences for young people, supporting them to learn about and connect with nature. Green Team training offers bountiful opportunities to gain new skills and ideas for delivering outdoor learning, learning for sustainability, environmental activities or woodland skills. For more information about the courses featured below, click on the... [read more]

TEESNET 11th Annual Conference: ‘Getting to the Heart of the SDGs’

TEESNet welcomes UNESCO’s lead on Education for Sustainable Development to speak at its 11th annual conference  on 11th September 2018 at Liverpool Hope University. UNESCO’s Alexander Leicht will be joined by educator, teacher and NGO delegates as well as fellow speakers Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser for Oxfam and Manju Patel Nair, Education Consultant & Trainer... [read more]

Raising Funds in the Face of Brexit: Financial Planning in Uncertain Times

Fundraising has never been straightforward - and in the face of so much uncertainty, we can be sure it's giong to get even more complicated. Don't despair - with some savvy planning and know-how, you can work around any potential issues and stay in a strong position, despite the changing landscape. Join us for a... [read more]
