SDGs wheel SDGs wheel


‘Live at COP27’: free online learning for all

Learning for a Sustainable Future: Live at COP27, will run during the United Nations COP27 Climate Change Conference which takes place in Egypt between 6-18 November. This 2-week MOOC ran last year in parallel with COP26 and attracted over 4,000 learners from over 130 countries worldwide. We are very pleased to be able to offer it once again... [read more]

Learning for Sustainability & the National Discussion on Education

The need to support learners of all ages to contribute building a socially-just, sustainable and equitable society has never been greater. To step up action on Learning for Sustainability, a refresh of Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability Action Plan is currently underway. This is also a time of change for Scotland’s education system. The Scottish Government... [read more]

Supporting and Strengthening Approaches to ESD in Universities and Colleges


Join EAUC Scotland and LfSS for the next Education for Sustainable Development Topic Support Network and Further & Higher Education LfSS Task Group Meeting, where we'll focus on 'Supporting and Strengthening Approaches to ESD in Universities and Colleges'. Here, we will aim to: Identify support educators need to meet existing and new professional standards for ESD. Share examples of existing... [read more]

Connecting for Transformational Change through Learning

Leith Community Croft Leith Links, Edinburgh

Join Learning for Sustainability Scotland for the first of two members' events focusing on 'Transformational Change through Learning for Sustainability'. This first event, 'Connecting for Transformational Change through Learning for Sustainability' will be held in-person: on: Tuesday 6 December 2022 from 4-6pm at: Leith Community Croft, Leith Links (corner of John's Place and Links Place), Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 7EY.... [read more]

Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Drop-In #6

Learning for Sustainability is an international and national priority in education. Making a professional commitment to learning and learners that is compatible with the aspiration of achieving a sustainable and equitable world embodies what it is to be a teacher in Scotland. In Scotland, the Professional Standards for teachers and college lecturers are underpinned by Learning for Sustainability... [read more]

Sustainability, employability and youthwork

Join us and YouthLink Scotland to explore how we can support young people to develop the skills needed for a sustainable and just future. We're delighted to welcome you to our first webinar for 2023. This is the latest in our award-winning series of webinars, and in it, we will build on previous sessions to... [read more]

Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Drop-In #7

Join us and the General Teaching Council for Scotland at our monthly drop-in sessions to connect with other practitioners and contributors to share, celebrate and discuss more about Learning for Sustainability and what it means for you, your practice, your setting and your wider learning community.