SDGs wheel SDGs wheel


Raising Funds in the Face of Brexit: Financial Planning in Uncertain Times

Fundraising has never been straightforward - and in the face of so much uncertainty, we can be sure it's giong to get even more complicated. Don't despair - with some savvy planning and know-how, you can work around any potential issues and stay in a strong position, despite the changing landscape. Join us for a... [read more]


Collaboration to scale up community action on sustainability

Click here to book your place Many public sector bodies, including local authorities, have a mandate to support sustainability action and to facilitate community engagement in their regions. At the same time, many community-led initiatives and intentional communities are developing creative regenerative practices. The aim of this workshop is to explore how we can scale... [read more]

College Expo 2022: Engaging all college staff with sustainability

The College Development Network (CDN) will shortly launch a short self-guided online course to help all college staff understand what sustainability is, and its relevance to their roles and personal lives as well as the wider world. The course will be interactive, enjoyable and memorable, useful for everyday life at home and work, and will... [read more]

Learning for Sustainability and the Professional Standards – monthly Connect session #18

This session will have a focus on 'Learning with our peers: the LfS Mentor programme'. Join us and the General Teaching Council for Scotland at our monthly drop-in sessions to connect with other practitioners and contributors to share, celebrate and discuss more about Learning for Sustainability and what it means for you, your practice, your setting and your wider learning community.