Dear Educator,
Please find below materials from the Scottish Government and Education Scotland to support engaging children and young people with the consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan.
The materials for ‘primary school’ are intended to be used with children aged below 13 years, and ‘secondary school’ materials are for those aged 13 and above.
For primary schools, there are:
- a sample session plan (Excel) which can be delivered during one 40 min lesson or in several 15 min sessions
- an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for use in the classroom
- a video from the Cabinet Secretary encouraging children to share their views on the Plan (contained in the Powerpoint)
- a Microsoft Form to be completed by the teacher or youth worker on behalf of the whole class at the end of the session (contained in the Powerpoint)
For secondary schools, there are:
- a sample session plan (Excel)
- an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for use in the classroom
- a video from the Cabinet Secretary encouraging children and young people to share their views on the Plan (contained in the Powerpoint)
- a video introducing the concept of the food system (contained in the Powerpoint)
- two versions of the Microsoft Form: teacher-led (where the class includes children below the age of 13 years) to be completed by the teacher or youth worker on behalf of the whole class at the end of the session; and one which is designed to collect individual responses (for children aged 13 years and older) (contained in the Powerpoint)
Please ensure forms are completed and submitted by 22 April 2024.
The Scottish Government recognises that there may be sensitivities with children and young people that may have lived experience of some of the issues discussed in the Good Food Nation Plan, so please use your own professional integrity when sharing this opportunity with learners and the wider school community.